Reading Notes Part B-The Cock That Wished to Become Pope

 Italian Popular Tales by Thomas Frederick Crane (1885).

The Cock That Wished to Become Pope

This story was somewhat boring to read, but I thought it had a hidden message in it most would not see. In this tale a Cock decides he wants to become Pope. He journeys to Rome to accomplish this. Along the way he meets four different animals, a hen, a cat, and a weasel. They journey to Rome spending one night in a witches house until they are kicked out. At this point the weasel and cat decide the journey is not for them. The hen and cock continue to Rome eventually showing up to announce he will be Pope. At this point a sexton directs them into the sacristy, he locks them in. He caught them both twisted their necks and cooked them for dinner. Thats simply the story. 

Though this may be a little dry and direct there is a message I feel most readers overlooked. Just because you think you can do something and have a crowd with you does not mean it is the best idea. Often times when many are involved there becomes a crowd mentality, often found in protests and large arguments. Judgement becomes blurred and just because everyone is doing it, it becomes okay. Also one needs to surround themselves with people who direct them into realistic paths. Never crush someone's dreams, but lead them into the steps to accomplish them. A tree did not grow over night, instead it took years to formulate its roots, cultivate branches, and finally sprout tall and firm. 

Photo provided by: Accidental Pope


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