Reading Notes Part B- Worship and Blessing

The Forgotten Books of Eden, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. (1926): The First Book of Adam and Eve 23-24-25.

Worship and Blessing

This whole tale focuses on Adam's conversation with God for mercy. Over and over Adam can be seen beginning with the Lord to forgive him and except him. Adam and Eve even fashion an alter made out of rocks and leaves. Here they give an offering to God in return of their trespasses. They cry out, "Forgive us our trespass 1 and our sin, and look upon us with Thine eye of mercy. For when we were in the garden our praises and our hymns went up before Thee without ceasing. But when we came into this strange land, pure praise was no longer ours, nor righteous prayer, nor understanding hearts, nor sweet thoughts, nor just counsels, nor long discernment, nor upright feelings, neither is our bright nature left us. But our body is changed from the similitude in which it was at first, when we were created. Yet now look upon our blood which is offered upon these stones, and accept it at our hands, like the praise we used to sing unto Thee at first, when in the garden." After much time God finally excepts their offerings, though told Adam he must not kill himself. As Adam remained silent God finally blessed him, and comforted him, and covenanted with him, that He would save him at the end of the days determined upon him. This, then, was the first offering Adam made unto God, and so it became his custom to do.

For me this tale shows the story of forgiveness and acceptance. God always forgives and loves you no matter what. We live in a crazy world today, we must understand everyones intentions are not always ill willed but sometimes may look that way. Forgiveness is something everyone should practice, but in moderate amounts to each individual. 

Photo provided by Daniel Harrell


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