Time Strategies

Time management has always been a really crucial aspect of my life ever since a young age, due to my athletic and extracurricular commitments. I enjoy planning out my week and knowing what is coming up on the horizon so that I can focus on the task at hand and put my best foot forward on each activity. Since arriving at college I have been committed to staying on top of my class work so that way I can partake in all the extra social events. Being on the baseball team adds an extra element to my schedule, between traveling, practice, and games it is crucial I handle my time wisely in order to succeed, both on and off the field. I have really enjoyed the start of this course not only for the content, but as well as how things are laid out, including the weekly schedule created by Professor Gibbs. I enjoyed reading through a couple of these articles including The Myth of Too Busy and How to Beat Procrastination. Each of these articles provided great ideas that I believe many students should incorporate in their weekly schedules. I look forward to a stress free semester thanks to time management and ideas from some of the provided articles. https://hbr.org/2016/07/how-to-beat-procrastination https://booklaunch.com/the-myth-of-too-busy/
Photo provided by Rick Parmely https://www.labmanager.com/leadership-and-staffing/time-management-101-5659


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