Reading Notes Part A- The Bear, the Eagle, and the Fish

 The Key of Gold by Josef Baudis (1922).

 The Bear, the Eagle, and the Fish

This story was somewhat confusing to follow. Between all the characters and family tree you never knew who the count was selling off. With that being said the basics of this story is that a count had three daughters. The count was a gambler and after losing all his money would hunt in the woods. Though he would get lost and rely on animals to save him from the woods. Though he had to give up one of his daughters each time. This continued until the count finally ran out of daughters to give away. They one day had a boy. They looked after him dearly. He grew up and learned of what the count had done. So he saddled his horse in search of his sisters. Along the way he meet each one and his brother in laws. They were all sons of a powerful king. They had been turned into thee animals by an evil magician. The son promised to try and turn them back. Each brother in law gave them a piece of themselves, fur, feathers, and scales. When he went to get the golden egg he counted on his brother in laws to help him. They finally defeated the curse and their land turned into amazing castles filled with riches. They finally were able to live happily. 

I had a hard time following all the different family members in their each lives, though I was able to take an important message away. In life we friends come and go, but family is forever. This family started off terribly but the brother prevailed being able to bring back his brother in laws. 

Photo provided by: AllAboutCastles


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