Reading Notes Henny-Penny- Part B

English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890).

This story was super funny to me especially after I looked up pictures to use fro my blog. A lot of the images that popped up were for Henny Penny fryers. This all makes sense because this whole story focused on a group of animals mostly birds, such as a duck trying to reach the King to alert him the sky is falling. Though along the way the group runs into a wolf who says they are going the wrong way. He takes them in the opposite direction and leads them one by one into a dark cave killing each of them except for Henny Penny. She wises up and turns and runs away. This story has a significant message that all should keep in mind. Though we should be able to trust everyone we come into contact with we sadly cannot. Keep in mind who you are speaking with and ensure you can trust them before risking anything. 

Photo provided by: Illustrations for Children


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