
Showing posts from November, 2020

Week 13 Story- Lunchtime Escape

 Lunchtime Escape There once was a young boy, around the age of seven who had the hardest time making friends. Everyday he would head to school yearning to meet a new classmate so they could play at lunch. Though sadly the boy’s classmates thought less of him and did everything to ignore him. This weighed on the young boy's heart, all he wanted was a companion.  After weeks of trying to make friends the boy finally gave up. That day instead of sitting alone at lunch he snuck into the woods behind the school. He found the animals and nature he saw intriguing. This became his new lunchtime escape. Everyday at lunch he would travel further and further into the woods. All until one day he stumbled upon a hidden door in a tree.  At first he was scared, but at second glance he realized it was just an ordinary door. He knew lunch would be ending soon, but he was so intrigued that he knocked. A boy about his same age answered. The boy was shocked, he could not believe what he was...

Reading Notes Part B- Elidore

  More Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1895). Elidore There was once a young boy who studied under Monks so that one day he could become a Monk himself. Though he was very poor at learning his ABC's and would forget all his studies. The Monks punished the boy every time he forgot something. He became feed up with these practices and ventured into the woods. There he discovered a land of sport and play. Upon permission from the King of the joyous land he would spend some time with the little people and some time with his mother. Though one day his mother encouraged him to steal a ball which she thought was made of gold. The boy followed her orders and took a ball. Though he was caught red handed, by two little men. From that point on he would never return to the land of play and sport. As the years past we eventually became a Monk. People from all over ventured to hear the stories of his time in this mysterious land. He missed that maje...

Reading Notes Part A Helig's Hollow

 The Welsh Fairy Book by W. Jenkyn Thomas with illustrations by Willy Pogány (1908). This tale focuses on Helig's daughter, Gwendud. She was very beautiful and loved by many, especially Snowdon, son of a baron. They loved each other tremendously but she would not marry him because he did not have a gold collar. Tathal, her suitor was determined to produce a gold collar. He worked it in a mischief snake like manner. He ended up stabbing one of the prisoners in the back and stealing his collar. Upon returning home he claimed they had been robbed by a group. She finally agreed to marry him, though tragedy struck at their feast. Flood waters began to slowly rise through the cellar. Moments later the seas rushed upon the land and everyone in attendance had to run for their lives. The next morning they awoke to the sun shinning upon where their hollow had been. It was no longer there, instead buried by the deep waters of the sea.  Photo provided by: Historic UK  ...

Story Lab-Stories and Friends

 I am so glad I choose to do the Story Lab option for this week. The danger of a single story really spoke to me and with all the things going on in the world today. The author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie began reading at an early age though all the stories she read none had characters who looked liked her or lived a life similar to her. This is terrible for anyone living in the world today. Having the drive and motivation to read, but then hear there isn't anyone like you written about can break anyone. Why would anyone want to push forward and strive for the best life if they believe they will not be recognized? I think in any field wether it be sports, politics, pop culture, and even television if there is not someone similar to you in that field it is hard to imagine yourself there. For example, this next Vice President will be the first female to ever hold that office. It will also be the first time young women can imagine themself holding that office, it gives them a goal ...

Reading Notes Henny-Penny- Part B

English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890). This story was super funny to me especially after I looked up pictures to use fro my blog. A lot of the images that popped up were for Henny Penny fryers. This all makes sense because this whole story focused on a group of animals mostly birds, such as a duck trying to reach the King to alert him the sky is falling. Though along the way the group runs into a wolf who says they are going the wrong way. He takes them in the opposite direction and leads them one by one into a dark cave killing each of them except for Henny Penny. She wises up and turns and runs away. This story has a significant message that all should keep in mind. Though we should be able to trust everyone we come into contact with we sadly cannot. Keep in mind who you are speaking with and ensure you can trust them before risking anything.  Photo provided by: Illustrations for Children

Reading Notes- English Fairy Tales: The Three Little Pigs Part A

 Story source: English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890). I selected to write about this story because growing up this was one of my favorite tales to hear. After re reading this tale for the first time in years I forgot just how long and detailed it is. The lessons found within in it are also something every individual should take with them throughout life. The story is funny seeing just how much the wolf controls. He gets his way with each pig until he reaches the third. This is the wisest of them all, and this lays the foundation for what people need to carry in life with them. This pig realizes he physically does not compete with the wolf and needs to outsmart him. Just like in life when we compete for things wether on the playing field or for a job, we must highlight and utilize our talents. This piggy outsmarts the wold each time he arrives, eventually frustrating him to the point he is willing to come down a burning chimney. As this sto...

Week 11 Story- Clay

  Clay There was once two boys who came across a ball of clay that had a message attached to it. In the message it stated whoever came across it had the opportunity to create a new world. Though the instructions stated the new world must be created by two people.The two boys filled with excitement immediately started coming up with ideas of how they wanted to shape this new world.  One of the boys was named Thomas, he was very outgoing and loved sports. In school he was well known for his athletic ability and never struggled to make friends. The other boy was named Christopher, who grew up with Thomas but struggled to make friends, though he excelled in every subject at school.  When the two boys began telling one another their ideas for the new world they started disagreeing. Things like how long students should be in school for or what the laws of the land would be, started creating arguments between them. They began to realize even though they had been friends for year...

Reading Notes California and the Old Southwest- Part A

Southwestern and California Legends unit. Story source: Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest by Katharine Berry Judson (1912). Coyote Creation Stories I really enjoyed reading through these short Native American stories. I selected the California and Southwestern legends in particular since that region is where I call home. These creation stories focused on how Coyote and Eagle created the world.  In the first story Coyote and Eagle went back and forth on what the world would need. Coyote created the world too flat, Eagle claimed he needed a place to perch. When eagle soared the sky his feathers dropped down creating trees. They then discussed on the fate of humans. Coyote and Eagle created man together but disagreed on the lifespan of humans, forever or an end. Coyote ended up winning stating man would never come back.  In the second tale Coyote found out man was cold and needed warmth. He ventured eastward and returned with Fire Stone. In the beginning, Sun ...