Week 8 Comments and Feedback

So far all the comments I have received have been positive and informative. The majority of them highlight areas in which they enjoyed my work and then add in what they think could have taken it to the next level. I enjoy hearing these comments because at times I struggle figuring out what I want to write about or in the manner in which I should describe the events and details. 

I believe my comments are not only positive and upbeat for the authors, but also very informative. The stories I comment on are nice and I can leave some feedback, but on the precuts so far is where I can really leave details on some things in which I believe could help their project. For example some webpages have been kind of bland, or the set up is hard to handle as a viewer.

When commenting on others work I think we get to know a little bit about each other, but not entirely. It is just not the same when everything is online, the face to face interaction is hard to replace. Though the introduction blog was a nice start so we could get an understanding of those working and writing amongst us. 

Looking forward I would not change much about commenting. So far everything I have received and seen has been positive and helpful. I think if we continue on this path it will make for a really good semester, with some well written pieces of work. 

The sketchnote is by Tanmay Vora: Leadership and The Art of Effective Listening.


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