Reading Notes Part A- The Fall

 King James Bible (1611): Genesis 3.

This tale describes the events that lead to Adam and Eve disobeying God's orders. In the garden, Eve encounters a serpent who convinces her to eat the tree’s forbidden fruit, assuring her that she will not suffer if she does so. Eve shares the fruit with Adam, and the two are immediately filled with shame and remorse. This can be seen in the story where they describe hearing gods voices in their head. While walking in the garden, God discovers their disobedience. After cursing the serpent, he turns and curses the couple. Eve, he says, will be cursed to suffer painful childbirth and must submit to her husband’s authority. Adam is cursed to toil and work the ground for food. The two are subsequently banished from Eden. I grew up learning about this tale in Sunday school and found it so amazing at the time. How hard can it be to listen to simple directions? Now that I am older I can see how temptation seeps into peoples lives and how easy it can be to choose the easy way out. 

Photo provided by STEPHEN GREENBLATT


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