Reading Notes-Origins

Laos Folk-Lore by Katherine Neville Fleeson (1899). Plot: This story occurs during a conversation between a wise man and a blacksmith. The blacksmith constantly states he wants to be different things such as the sun or a stone. The wise man states he can be anything he wants. As the blacksmith states what he wants to be, he then becomes them. Though each time there is something unsatisfying about the new form he has taken. Such as being too hot as the sun or hurting as a rock. The blacksmith finally comes to the consensus he would like to be the moon. As he transforms into the moon he then realizes it is very hot because of the suns reflection. He begs to return to his normal life as a blacksmith. Though the wise man says no, due to his constant changing. The wise man states, "You wanted to be the moon; the moon you are, and it you will remain.” Characters: The main chracter within this story is the blackamith, though the power of the story is held by the wise man. The blacksmith constantly asks to be different things while the wise man enables him to change forms. Real Life: I believe this story can translate into everyones everyday lives. Constantly we are surrounded by people who wish to do or become certain things. The power is within you, much like the wise man states. Your future is decided only by you. In real life people often times sell themselves short or do not dream big enough. Do as the wise man states and go thou journey. Though keep in mind one must set a course, and stick to it because at some point you can not take back or change your mind.
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